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Faith For My Generation

Who Is This Jesus? Episodes

A seven part series studying the seven "I am" statements Jesus makes in the Gospel of John.
Oct. 15, 2022

Who is this Jesus: I am the True Vine

In this last installment of “Who is this Jesus” series we see in John fifteen that Jesus is the True Vine. All that we are as Christians, branches, we are by the life that flows in the Vine - Jesus!

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Sept. 30, 2022

Who is this Jesus: the Way, the Truth, the Life

In this sixth installment of the series “Who is this Jesus” we look at the words of Jesus in John 14:6. We see that Jesus is the way to all things we receive from Him, He is the truth that sets us free, and the life that empo...

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Sept. 16, 2022

Who is the Jesus: The Resurrection and the Life

In part five of this series, Who is this Jesus, we find out that Jesus IS the resurrection and the life. The life of God is not an experience but a person!

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Aug. 19, 2022

Who is this Jesus: The Good Shepherd

In part four of the mini-series Who is this Jesus we look at John 10:11 where Jesus reveals Himself as the Good Shepherd who gives His life for the sheep. Knowing Jesus as your Good Shepherd changes you from the inside out!

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Aug. 5, 2022

Who is this Jesus: The Open Door

In episode three of the mini series, Who is this Jesus, we go to John 10:9. In this verse Jesus tells us that He is the Door to eternal life. He is the shepherd who acts as the door to the sheepfold. Enter in!

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July 28, 2022

Who is this Jesus: The Light of the World

In the second part of the “Who is this Jesus” series, we look to the words of Jesus in John 8:12. He tells us He is the light of the world. What does that mean for Christians? What does that mean to people dead in sin? We ans...

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July 21, 2022

Who is this Jesus: The Bread of Life

In the first episode of this mini series “Who is this Jesus” we study the first I am statement Jesus makes in the book of John - I am the bread of Life. What does that mean to us as Christians? How does Jesus being the bread ...

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